
twitter on 07/10/11

本日Flickrが Twitterと連係することが明らかにされた。2006年7月に始まったサービスで、急速に注目を集めつつあるが、メールボックスに昔のメールを見つけたのでなんとなくそのまま掲載。ベンチャーの胎動を感じられるこんなメールの一つ一つが、現在につながっている。
New People, New Twitter Features!

Hello, Twitter-ers!

We have new people working here at Twitter HQ. Alissa Huskey is our newest engineer--she's just finished implementing some upgrades to Twitter's web interface. Jay Edwards is getting settled in his role as operations engineer--he'll be working with Jeremy to make sure Twitter runs as smooth as possible. If you haven't checked out any of the recent improvements, come on by http://twitter.com.

Tracking Twitter

We're really excited about this new feature which allows anyone to track concepts in real time over SMS or IM. Tell Twitter what words or phrases you're interested in and you'll receive updates containing those words the instant anyone Twitters them. One of the most popular words being tracked by people right now is "overheard." Send "track overheard" to Twitter to find out why. (Send "untrack" if you change your mind and "stats" to get a list of words you track.)

Learn more: http://tinyurl.com/2a4ggh

Web Site Updates

We went through the web interface of Twitter and made a few adjustments here and there. Nothing too fancy, just cleaned up the sidebar a bit and made some things easier to spot. We'll continue to make changes when they make sense, let us know if they don't
work for you.

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Alex Payne is an engineer at Twitter who spends a good deal of time keeping our API in ship-shape condition. The API is what makes all those great applications like Twitterific and Twittervision possible. There's a growing list of interesting projects at the Twitter Fan Wiki. Be sure to join us in wishing Alex a happy birthday today! We're going to sing and give him some cake this afternoon.

Alex on Twitter: http://twitter.com/al3x
Fan wiki: http://twitter.pbwiki.com/Apps

Watch WiredScience on PBS

WiredScience is a new show on PBS that brings Wired Magazine to life. I found out about the show because they're using Twitter to keep folks interested and updated http://twitter.com/wiredscience. WiredScience is on tonight if you want to check it out. I've got that deal set to a TiVo season pass because that is how I roll. I like science.

Twitter HR

Lots of small startups outsource payroll, health insurance, and similar human resource services to companies that specialize in those areas. That's what Twitter was doing when we hired Krissy to be our office manager. But Krissy took things to a whole new level and created a full-fledged human resources department. Now payroll, health insurance, and all that good stuff are taken care of right here at Twitter HQ by Krissy Bush, Human Resources Manager. A significant move in the life of Twitter! Want to come work for us?

Jobs: http://twitter.com/help/jobs

Happy Twittering!
-Biz Stone and the Twitter Team

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